The most complete business platform there is, ever.


At VITE, we aim to build the most comprehensive platform there is to help businesses enter the digital age, seamlessly. Our collective experience across a rich variety of industries, coupled with our flawless track record and clientele, demands the best for our customers, nothing less, always more.


Nunissait Tjandra

Chairman and CEO

Alan was a Director at Viagoo, NexG, TPS Solutions HK and EDMS. 

With over 30 years of experience in the IT/Software industry, he is highly skilled in the mentioned field.

He provides direction and technical leadership for mission-critical environments.

Tan Chin Ngiap


An industry veteran, Chin Ngiap had held various roles in many IT organisations

President for Southeast Asia Information Technology Organisation (SITO) for 4 years

Li Lanwei


Xi 'an Jiaotong University EMBA

Former China Recycling Energy Co., Ltd., NASDAQ: CREG, Director and COO

Nearly 20 years of experience in marketing, technology, management and operation of industrial industry

National first-class athlete (mountaineering)

David Chong


Singaporean, ACCA Professional Accounting

Former NASDAQ: CREG. CFO; Senior Auditor of R CHAN & CO

Led the listing of several companies